Episode 36 – Season is done (bar one away game to grimsby)

We discuss who we should start, stop, continue from this season and some numbers. Also a reminder that the fans forum is Tuesday evening (2nd May) and if you cant attend there is still time to email a question – fansforumafcw@gmail.com https://www.afcwimbledon.co.uk/news/2023/april/have-your-say-at-our-fans-forum/

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Episode 33 – Crumbs that aint right!

Matt and Mark talk about the Salford City game and being 2-1 up saving a pen in the 92 minute but then followed by losing the match at home 2-3. Photo from Ian Stephen (Pro Sports Images)

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Episode 32 – Something to be happy about…

Sisters are doin’ it for themselves music: YouTube Surbiton High School representing AFC Wimbledon winning at Wembley Twitter Fabulous behavior by AFC Wimbledon’s Women’s captain Twitter WISH event at Plough Lane Twitter Agents Fees in League 2 Twitter Apologies for any audio quirks this week Adam is still fuzzy from San Fran and other work… Continue reading Episode 32 – Something to be happy about…

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Episode 29 – Hall of Fame

Content warning we briefly discuss male suicide in relation to Wimbledon player George Armitage This week we talk about the continued dip in form. That knifes on the internet are out for JJ and even we are worried. Ray Armfield joins us to talk Hall of Fame and of course some numbers. COYD! Dons Vlog… Continue reading Episode 29 – Hall of Fame

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Episode 28 – Football, finances, FSA and numbers!

This week we are joined by special guest Nicola Cave, Southport Fan, Portchat podcast host and FSA Training and Governance manager. We discuss the loss and win on the weekend for Wimbledon against Mansfield and Chesham, plus more on football governance, the role of the FSA and some numbers! Show Links https://www.twitter.com/nicSFC https://www.portchat.net/ https://open.spotify.com/show/1vTeC7TZcB0JaCPEkj6kiX?si=q7mCFxpFQCWnnEVoS-4FpQ https://thefsa.org.uk… Continue reading Episode 28 – Football, finances, FSA and numbers!

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